Keep your feet by using our Dr. Joseph's Diabetic Foot Care Kit, is the only product on the market that provides the necessary tools to carry out the 3 most important steps in the self- management of the diabetic foot, which consist of:
- Daily Hygiene
- Daily Inspection
- Regular Sensory Testing
Dr. Joseph’s Diabetic Foot Care Kit provides the necessary tools to allow easy and safe compliance with the CDC and NIH directives. To learn more about how to keep your feet, please watch our Dr. Jospeh's Educational Videos, Diabetic FootBits Tips. Also, visit our product page to order your Diabetic Foot Care Kit.
Anyone who has difficulty reaching their feet, especially diabetics and arthritics, should be provided with the necessary tools to self-manage their own feet. Furthermore, Dr. Joseph's Foot Care Kit allows individuals to easily reach, clean, and inspect their feet. Overall, early detection leads to early treatment and reduction in more serious foot problems.
Did you know?
Undoubtedly, the number one reason Diabetics are hospitalized is due to a foot problem. In addition, 1/3 of all diabetes medical costs are directly a result of foot related problem.
- 30 million Diabetics are in the United States.
- 75 Million people are considered Pre-Diabetics.
- There are overall 100,000 lower limb amputations in the United States, approximately one every 6 seconds.
- Sadly, a large number of deaths annually occur due to diabetic foot problems.
- Diabetes Treatment represents 10% of all medical costs.
- Upwards of $245 billion per year spent on Medical Cost.
For instance, the average cost is $350,000 for an amputation between discovery, treatment, often multiple operations, medications, and hospitalizations. Consequently, the price of $350,000 does not include prosthetics.
Keep Your Feet! Dr. Joseph's Diabetic Foot Care Kit allows self-management and early detection. This is the key to prevention of serious foot problems for diabetics. The bottom of the foot is the most vulnerable and often cannot be fully inspected without assistance. Many diabetics are overweight, older, or for any number of reasons, are just unable to reach, see, inspect, and clean their feet.
Dr Joseph's Diabetic Foot Care Kit consists of a long-handled anatomically contoured and mildew resistant . The brush allows easy cleaning access to the sole of the feet. In addition, the snap-in accessories include an unbreakable adjustable mirror. The specially designed sponges allows you to easily clean between toes. Also, the 5.07 sensory testing monofilament to evaluate for neuropathy.
As a reuslt, the National Diabetes Education Program, jointly developed by the National Institute of Health and the Centers for Disease Control publishes a booklet called “Take Care of Your Feet for a Lifetime."